Building & Zoning

About the Zoning Department

The Zoning Department develops long-range plans designed to direct and manage growth based on a wide range of diverse community goals. The staff then analyzes proposed changes in land use, and administers regulations including the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations, in order to implement land use and development policies of the Board of Commissioners. With the rank of five; Marion County has one of the highest ISO ratings in our surrounding cities for building, coding, and zoning enforcement.

The department provides information to the Board of Commissioners regarding the effects of growth including:

Increasing demands on public infrastructure and governmental service

Overall effects on the community’s quality of life


Click Here for the Marion County Zoning Map

Click here for an Application for Variance

Click here for a Rezoning Application


About the Building Department

Marion County Government has operated a Building Inspection Department since 2000. Today the Inspection Office operated under a unified code system that is applicable regardless of which jurisdiction construction occurs.

The primary mission of the Building Inspection Department is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people by ensuring safe building environment.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Marion County Building Inspections enforces the International Building Codes as prescribed by the International Code Council, mandated by and amended by the State of Georgia.
  • All work to any structure, be it new construction, addition alteration to an existing structure, shall be approved and permitted by the Building Official before construction begins.
  • Building Inspections also enforces erosion and Sediment Controls in the County and any grading, clearing, grubbing or installation of driveways on any property shall first be required to obtain a Land Disturbance Permit from the Marion County Building and Zoning Department.


Telephone: 229-649-5670

Fax: 229-649-3702
